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Difference between Colorimeter and Spectrophotometer and Its Advantages

The goal of this work is to discuss some essential subjects linked to UV–Vis spectrophotometry, which is frequently used for the identification and quantification of organic molecules. There is a focus on both qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as direct and derivatization techniques. Some pretreatment sample procedures are given since the substances to be evaluated are present in very low concentrations in some circumstances. In addition, the many types of detectors used in UV–Vis spectrophotometry are discussed, as well as how mathematical methodologies can be used to extract information from UV-Vis Spectroscopy.

Definition of Colorimeter and Spectrophotometer


A colorimeter is a device that measures the absorbance of a specific wavelength of light passing through a solution. It uses the Beer-Lambert law to determine the concentration of a particular solute in a solution.


When a beam of light is transmitted through a spectrophotometer, it measures the light-absorbing or transmitting capabilities of solutions. The wavelength of light and the type of solution determine how much light is absorbed or transmitted by chemical solutions.

It is evident from this discussion that a colorimeter and a spectrophotometer are two instruments that operate on the same principle, but one measures the concentration of a solution and the other determines the intensity of light passing through a solution.

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